Laboratorio de análisis clínicos e industriales

We are affiliated with the majority of FREE INSURANCE MUTUALITIES and INSTITUTIONS that provide health care to their insured.

If you are part of an entity that is not listed in the list below, please be so kind as to contact us, through our PATIENT INFORMATION TELEPHONE, 93 453 86 36 or by email to the address and we will promptly assist you with your inquiry.

It has always been our purpose to provide our clinical analysis services and integrate the medical chart of ALL mutual insurance companies. We inform you that with some of them only we are allowed to work in some specific places (see *) or some very specific laboratory specialties (see **). We hope in the future to be able to offer the majority of you our EXTENSIVE NETWORK OF EXTRACTION CENTERS.

* We are only allowed to work in some specific places.
** We are only allowed to work in some very specific laboratory specialties.