Laboratorio de análisis clínicos e industriales

mdb laboratori d’anàlisis cliniques – Clinical Analysis (Lab Duran Bellido)

Dr. Miguel Durán Bellido, MD and Clinical Analysis Specialist, represents the 2nd generation of Specialists in Clinical Analysis of the Duran family.

In 1967, after several years of working together with his father, Dr. Pau Durán Mundó, he founded the Dr. M. DURAN BELLIDO LABORATORY located at Calle Urgel nº 171, in Barcelona.

The year 1988 refounds the laboratory with the name of mdb laboratori d’anàlisis cliniques, moving to a new place, with larger dimensions and equipped with all technological advances, located in Calle Urgel nº 161, bajo, Barcelona.

After the incorporation of Dr. Jordi Durán Company, Doctor and Clinical Analysis Specialist, María Durán Company, Pharmaceuticals, and Miguel Duran Company, Industrial Engineer, completes the 3rd generation of the family dedicated to Clinical Analysis.

We cannot forget the fundamental role that have had in our growth and consolidation the unbeatable group of people that we have managed to unite during these years of work in common. We have an extensive multidisciplinary human team composed of specialists from different areas, all of them very competent and very committed to our daily work of service to our patients.


Laboratori Catbio – Industrial Analysis (Lab Duran Bellido)

The catBio Laboratory was created in 1998, as a company linked to mdb laboratori d’anàlisis cliniques, to offer the services of industrial analysis in the areas of food safety, environment, water and veterinary.


abolab clinical analysis – Clinical Analysis (Lab Duran Bellido)

abolab clinical analysis, was established in Madrid in 1982 by the Pharmacists Specialists in Clinical Analysis, Drs. Teresa Herreros de Tejada and Fabiola González-Coloma. Since its creation and implementation in Calle Españoleto nº 7 in Madrid, it has been providing its analysis services in an uninterrupted way over the years. During its development, it has been implemented in the districts of Salamanca, Moratalaz, Valdebernardo and Nuevos Ministerios and has incorporated new professionals such as Dr. Angeles Barón García also Pharmacist and Specialist in Clinical Analysis.

Our work is oriented to give dedication and very personalized attention to the patients of our centers and to maintain a close relationship and of collaboration with the medical professionals.

In 2010, abolab clinical analysis was incorporated into the LAB group LAB. DURAN BELLIDO, LAB. DURAN BELLIDO, made up of the clinical laboratory mdb laboratory of clinical analysis and the industrial laboratory lab CatBio, both based in Barcelona and with extensive experience in the world of analysis.

January preferential price:
Pack STD (Blood + Frotis)

Results in 4 days.

129€ 120€

Analytical Profiles

Tailored to your needs

Clinical analysis of personalized medicine

Tailored to your needs


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Medical insurances

We work with most of the medical insurances